Here are the top 10 things residents want to know about mosquito control spraying in their community. It’s important to note that the specific answers to these commonly asked questions might vary depending on the mosquito control product being used in your community. 但通常:
Community-wide adult 灭蚊措施 are performed using ultra-low volume (ULV) spray equipment that gets mounted to the back of a truck or all-terrain vehicle. 紫外线喷雾器将液体灭蚊产品变成超细的喷雾云或雾, 由微小液滴组成的. These droplets move through the air with the wind at the time of the application to make contact with flying adult mosquitoes.
为了有效, 水滴需要与飞行的蚊子进行物理接触, so ULV applications usually start at dusk or dawn when local mosquito populations are most active. They 不 have any residual effect – they work only at the time of treatment to quickly reduce adult mosquito populations. 一旦应用, 产品开始迅速分解,5至30分钟后消散, 取决于配方和天气情况.
We understand that many residents are concerned about pesticide exposure in their everyday life. 和, 我们知道很多人对化学物质普遍敏感, 不管它们来自香水还是杀虫剂, 尽可能采取措施限制接触. 然而, 灭蚊措施, 正确应用, 使用epa注册的产品, will not harm humans or pets and are an important practice for protecting the public from mosquito-borne diseases. 也就是说,我们确实为住院医生提供 能够注册提前通知预定的应用程序,这样他们就可以做出相应的计划.
在处理之前,植物和花园床不需要覆盖或收获. 只要使用与杂货店或市场上的农产品相同的方法, 食用前用清水和温和的洗涤剂冲洗.
让空调开着! Windows may also remain open during a spray treatment but most residents do prefer to have them closed. 几十年前, 这些是常见的建议, 但随着应用技术和产品化学的发展, 这已不再是必要的措施.
杀虫剂的应用并不是一刀切的, 喷雾处理可以减少飞行, 咬, 成年蚊子种群对蜱虫不起作用. 为什么? Mosquitoes are flying; ticks are crawling; AND they are a completely different type of insect, 体型完全不同. 同样的产品也可以用于控制蜱虫和蚊子, 使用方法和剂量会有所不同. 蜱虫的申请需要在它们爬行的地面进行, and with significantly higher doses of product than required for adult mosquito control spraying.
(啊……你一直在等这个!)这一点很棘手,可能是非常具体的产品, 但一般来说,答案是,不要害怕! Download this fact sheet from the CDC that breaks down more details on mosquito 喷雾应用程序. 环保署已经确定 活性成分 在杀虫剂上可能对益虫有毒 直接 接触,四个关键因素可以降低蚊子控制应用的风险:
Mosquito spraying and bees – this is another sensitive issue and one that everyone in public health mosquito control takes very seriously. 首先, the same protective measures followed to protect other beneficial insects also apply to bees, and mosquito control programs are encouraged to maintain transparent relationships with local beekeepers and provide advance treatment notifications. There has also been a lot of fieldwork and research published by very reputable academic institutions, 比如路易斯安那州立大学, 这展示了蚊子控制的应用, 根据所有标签指南进行, 不会对传粉媒介构成物质风险. 例如,本文总结了LSU进行的实地调查,表明 紫外线灭蚊疗法 不 伤害蜜蜂,即使是在 直接 喷雾应用程序.
更少——更安静——更好! 自滴滴涕喷雾处理以来,紫外线喷雾技术已经发展了相当多. 现代化学, 更高级的, 更安静的喷雾设备, and variable weather conditions mean the spray cloud is not always visible or audible – but that doesn’t mean it’s not working!
Every 乐虎网 application truck is equipped with two pieces of technology that ensure spray effectiveness and safety. 首先是一个名为SmartFlow的监控系统. This equipment adjusts spray volume as vehicle speed changes to ensure a uniform treatment rate. 所以,无论我们的车速是5英里还是15英里,正确的应用速度都是分散的. 第二种使用的技术叫做GeoTab, 这是一个基于gps的追踪车辆位置的应用程序, 车辆的速度, 和喷雾活动(开/关)实时.
The timing of spray treatments is always closely coordinated with the communities we serve and dependent upon the design of their mosquito control program and budget. 确定喷雾要求, 我们查看了来自当地监测陷阱的人口和疾病监测数据, 并将其与环境条件的见解结合起来, 预测软件, 居民称, 资源的可用性和时间对成蚊进行治疗,以提供最大的缓解.
最后但同样重要的, 紫外线喷雾处理后再下雨通常仍然有效, 只要在治疗时有成蚊在飞行. 然而, the lasting power of barrier treatments sprayed on plant foliage can be compromised by weather conditions.